Monday, October 4, 2010

Social Network War

As I was surfing the web the other day, I came across an interesting news article about Facebook, Skype, and Google. The head line read: Facebook and Skype link arms against Google. Apparently, Facebook and Skype are combing their features to create a stronger, more sufficient online coalition. By combining their features together, I think that the social networking world will be taken to the next level. By doing so, individuals will be able to video chat with friends of Facebook and make calls to friends through Facebook... in a more cost efficient way. This technique would make it even easier to communicate with people across the world. I think the partnership is an interesting approach for the growth of social networking. I'm wondering if they will create a new name for the partnership- or will they keep Facebook as Facebook and Skype as Skype. What are your thoughts about this partnership?


  1. That is very interesting. I just hope that the video chatting would stay in the Skype format. I personally do not like Facebook chat so I can't imagine video chatting would be any better.

  2. That is ridiculous to think about becasue of the way otheri ndustries, such as celluar companies, may be hit if this happens. Pretty soon, people may just need the internet to communicate everything and there will be no need for the service on thep hones, just the web. This is very far from now of course but with this artivle it seems it is not as far as I once thought. Skype is a quick video chat and facebbok is the king of everything else non-video, so of course this will add a new dynamic of being able to video chat with anyone currently on facebook. I wonder if they will also be able to have multiple chats and so groups will be able to meet online through facebook. It'll be bery interesting to see how this all pans out in the near future.
