Thursday, October 14, 2010


Semiotics is concerned with how our mind perceives meaning about something. That "something" refers to a word, symbol, icon, gesture, or object. The concept of semiotics seems to enable underlying uncertainties because essentially, our minds are manipulative and we decipher different "things" to our individual accordance. Semiotics goes hand-in-hand with communication theory.
Today, Facebook, MySpace, and Twitter have become a primary tool for communication. This way of communicating is different than what it used to be of course; however, it has evolved and will continue to. Take Facebook for instance, we have become willing to share information about ourselves publicly- in essence, what you put online is not always secured to your privacy standards. In addition, we put ourselves out there through the internet to perhaps begin relationships- whether it’s befriending someone, or used for networking. When you share information about yourself, what you're thinking about something, how your day has been through the status box "what’s on your mind" do you think this is social interaction? I mean, when you befriend someone, you are giving them the opportunity to "get to know you a little better." Do you think facebook has become an alternative reality? Because in reality, you are not speaking to this person directly, but radio/micro waves are maintaining your communication. Today, it seems as though we have put trust into the internet and not so much each other.

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