Monday, September 13, 2010

Learning to blog would've been a great website to do a bad critique for. Just saying...


  1. That would have been a great idea.

  2. Yeah, for sure I agree. It's not that it doesn't serve its purpose, it's that it tries to be too complex, while at the same time doing a lot of things with simplicity. This is not a very thorough and in depth blog site and I think that is evident by how easy it can be to make a blog here, however, it seems like they are trying to make transitions into legitimizing the site so that it fits all bloggers and not just the new users. I think as people are leaving the blog site for different ones, they have decided to adapt like Facebook has to continue to be a leading site in blogging. It seems they haven't worked out thek inks yet cause there's a lot of stuff without sound navigation and without great instruction on what to do.
